Agent Jones (Daryl Marks) and Agent Mason (Christina Leonard) examine some mysterious containers
Illuminagents is Back With Renewed Conspiracy Momentum For Season Two
After delving into Flat Earth theories, moon landing hoaxes, chemtrails and alien abductions, you’d think there would be no way to top that, but the sci-fi comedy Illuminagents is showing just how deep the rabbit hole goes with its second season. The web series follows Trainee Agent Nara Mason (Christina Leonard) as she learns the ropes from Supervisor Agent Nasmith Jones (Daryl Marks). The agents are tasked with the not-so-glamourous work needed to keep the public in the dark about various covert operations. All the episodes draw from conspiracy theories that exist in the real world (or at least on the Internet).
Now that the well-known conspiracies have been dealt with during Season 1, the series leads viewers down the path to the more obscure ones. Case in point: the Season 2 opener reveals that birds aren’t real - they’re actually robots deployed for the purpose of continuous surveillance. When one of these robots goes out of control, it’s up to the agents to bring it down.
Both seasons are currently available on Seeka TV, and as a further indication of the series’ oddball sensibilities, the first season has a musical episode that you just have to see for yourself.
Agent Jones (Daryl Marks) on the trail of a dangerous computer virus
With a successful festival run under their belt, the Illuminagents team recently celebrated coming in at #7 in the 2023 Web Series World Cup, an impressive achievement for this scrappy indie production. “We’re sitting amongst some tough competition,” says series creator Herman Wang. “But it’s nice to get recognition for making something unique and original.”
The pilot episode of Illuminagents was a 2022 Brooklyn SciFi official selection. We're happy to see the series continuing for a second season.
For more on Illuminagents:
Visit: illuminagents.com
Listen at: illuminagents.bandcamp.com
Watch: seeka.tv/illuminagents